Registration for the 2023 Retreat Opens Feb 3rd. Learn More Here.

Join us on mission

Become a Crossroads 4 Christ Mission Partner by making a gift today!

Photo: Aaron Joseph

Photo: Aaron Joseph

Ways to Give

Online donation

Make a one-time or monthly donation through our online giving portal here.

Check donation

Check donations should be made out to Crossroads 4 Christ and mailed to our office: Crossroads 4 Christ, 21 Adams Street South, Manchester, CT 06040


Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way to support Crossroads 4 Christ.

Retirement Plans

Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets such as a gift from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan is a great way to make a gift and potentially save on taxes.

Legacy Gift

A fantastic way for you to support C4C’s mission is to leave us a bequest in your will or living trust.

Peter and Laurie Schwartz

“We are not young adults, but we see C4C as the answer to our prayers for our young adult daughters. At a time when so many young adults are leaving the Church, we can see that C4C has given them a beautiful way to keep their Catholic faith not only alive … but growing.”

Your financial Support Will:

Help young adults to experience the fullness of life found in Jesus Christ. 

Form the next generation of Catholic leaders who will invest in their parishes for a lifetime.

Start new C4C Chapters and provide support to established Chapters.

Encourage young adults to embrace vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and holy marriages.

Send forth young adults who transform the culture by their joyful living of the Gospel.

Photo: Aaron Joseph

“You will be enriched in every way for great generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God…”

2 Corinthians 9:11

John Brodeur in the mountains

John Brodeur

“I found C4C at a somewhat desperate hour in my life. I felt stuck—riddled by discouragement, isolation and depression after returning home from a faith-filled college experience. It all began with a simple invitation after Mass one day—and it literally changed the course of my life. Not only did I discover a group of amazing people my own age; I found a community that helped transform my faith from mere intellectual allegiance to a heartfelt and joyful relationship. As I continued to commit to the weekly C4C night and holy hours, our Eucharistic Lord overflowed my life with friends, brothers, amazing housemates, my future spouse and eventually, the opportunity to become a Servant Leader and to share those blessings with a new community.”

Jen Bishop

“After experiencing a reversion back to my faith and moving home to Connecticut after living in Boston for five years, I was looking for a young adult community that would provide me fellowship and formation in this uncertain, early stage of getting back into my faith. I saw that there was a C4C group that met in New Haven and I started attending regularly. They organized a community service day with the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, which I attended, and ultimately had the beautiful opportunity to discern religious life with them for a year as a pre-postulant. C4C helped me to deepen my relationship with the Lord, grow in my understanding and love of Church teaching, explore my vocation, and provide a needed, fun and faithful community.”             

Deacon Michael Forrest

“Especially in this day and age in New England, it is such a welcome sign of hope to see young, committed Catholic adults who are ready and willing to learn more about their faith and how to lead people home to Christ. The Servant Leaders I met were inspiring, energetic, rock-solid Catholics. With young people like this taking on the Great Commission, I think the future of the Church in Connecticut is very bright. Give ‘em heaven, brothers and sisters!”

Fr. Timothy Gallagher, OMV

“When I was invited to offer a talk in the C4C Conference, I was happy to encounter a group that focuses so warmly and so clearly on the key things: faith, Jesus in the Eucharist, learning about the spiritual life, sharing the spiritual journey together, and all of this with the energy and life of youthfulness.”

Go and bear fruit that will remain.

John 15:16

We'd love to help.