Start a C4C Chapter

Photo: Hannah Camerota

“Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are ‘disciples’ and ‘missionaries’, but rather that we are always ‘missionary disciples’.” 

- Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel

Do you hear the call?

Help build a community of Catholic young adults learning to love and deepen their relationships with Jesus and one another.

You see a lack of young adult community.

You want to be on mission to bring others closer to God.

You’ve discerned that this may be the next step God has for you.

“They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.”


Acts 2:42

What leading a Chapter looks like

You model missionary discipleship and encourage others to follow Christ and to embrace a life on mission.

You build intentional relationships with the members of the Chapter both within and outside of the C4C Nights.

You lead C4C Nights by giving the 10-minute teaching, leading discussion groups, building up community life, and fostering radical hospitality.

You develop a team of other faith-filled young adults who serve the Chapter and raise up the next generation of C4C leaders.

Sarah Schwartz

“Reflecting on my time as a C4C Chapter Leader, what comes to mind is a quote from Pope Benedict XVI: “One receives one’s life precisely when one offers it as a gift.” C4C allowed me to make a gift of myself during my young adult years. I believe it was God‘s way of helping me to lead a fruitful life at a time when my capital “v” Vocation was not yet fulfilled. I received so much more than I gave, including spiritual friendships, growth in virtue, and the fulfillment that comes from serving the Lord. My time as a C4C Chapter Leader will always stand out as a formative and special period of my life.”

John Midy

“After attending my 3rd C4C retreat, a few friends and I made the decision to begin a C4C Chapter in Stamford, CT, which I led for several years. There were so many young adults in the area who were in need of this type of a community, where Christ-centered friendships were made and where we grew in our Catholic faith and in relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist. It was a true blessing and a very joyful time in my life!”

We’re here to support you

You aren’t alone. The Crossroads 4 Christ Executive Servant Team (EST) and Servant Leaders from other Chapters will support you throughout your journey.

– Bi-annual Mission Days
– Annual Servant Leader Retreat
– Access to C4C’s Formation Platform
– Monthly consulting calls with the EST
– Periodic Chapter visits from the EST
– Access to programming for the C4C Nights
– General support from other Chapters’ Servant Leaders
Curated young adult ministry events for you and your community

How to start a chapter

Step 1

Fill out an application.

Step 2

Meet with your pastor about the possibility of a C4C Chapter at his parish.

Step 3

Meet with us virtually or in-person for an interview.

Step 4

Join us for a meeting with your pastor at the parish.

Step 5

If it’s a good fit, we’ll help you start a C4C Chapter!

Fr. Anthony Smith
Pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Watertown, CT

“In my experience with the Greater Waterbury Chapter, C4C has provided a much-needed opportunity for encounter with those young adults who are ‘on the periphery,’ as Pope Francis writes in The Joy of the Gospel. C4C Greater Waterbury is transforming the lives of our young adults in growing number.”

John Pendergast

“C4C has helped to prepare me to live a life of faith and evangelization by continuously challenging me to deepen my understanding of our faith, and as a result increasing my confidence in going out to evangelize to others. I am certainly not an expert on any given topic, but even so, I get excited when I do research for a presentation, because I have the ability and opportunity to be the herald of this knowledge to others, and that is truly a blessing.”

“Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.’”

John 20:21

Ready to serve?
Apply today.